The Gambia in one of the poorest counties in the world. The country has lived in a dictation, until three years ago. The consequences are still very visible. There’s a large gab between the rich and the poor. Way to big, expensive cars and houses versus much more poverty. Not knowing if you can feed yourself and your family for the tonight. Though the Gambians ar very kind and they’re always smiling. It’s called “The Smiling Coast of Africa” for a reason. - Margreet of Glocal Art.

In The Gambia she a foundation, together with three locals, called Global Community Foundation the Gambia. She has a small Shop in The Netherlands. The income of the shop are meant to finance the foundation and their projects on one hand. It also provides a part of a couple Gambians’ maintenance.

For example Bubacar and his 9-headed-family. Watch a short documentary about the process of his wooden sculptures and his way of living.
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